TheraVir Management
Theravir, a biotech start-up, was formed to in-license, develop and commercialize new therapeutic drug based on oncolytic (cancer killing) viruses.
Theravir’s first product, the oncolytic virus NDV-HUJ, is a non-engineered, selectively replicative strain of avian paramyxovirus type-1. This is an attenuated form of the virus that causes Newcastle Disease in poultry, but causes only rare mild disease in humans. It is one of the few oncolytic viruses that can be administered intravenously. The virus is expected to be active against a wide range of cancers.
The NDV-HUJ has completed a Phase I/II clinical trial in patients with recurrent glioblastoma brain cancer. The safety and efficacy results obtained in the study indicated that clinical testing should proceed to a Phase II trial. Oncolytic virotherapy is a rapidly emerging therapeutic area with the potential to complement chemotherapy and radiotherapy.
Theravir's development program has been greatly enhanced by its close proximity the Goldyne Savad Institute for Gene Therapy at Hadassah University Hospital in Ein Karem, Jerusalem and its Phase I/II Outpatient Clinic and its National Facility for Clinical Grade Vector Production.